Kafor Law Firm, PLLC
Intelligent, Compassionate, Tenacious, And Creative Legal Advocacy.

How mediation relates to mental health

On Behalf of | Mar 2, 2022 | Mediation |

Facing any uncontested family law issue can be stressful or even downright daunting. Having time with your kids or your future financial security at stake can be draining enough – but the prospect of a contentious battle in court can make things even worse.

Resolving uncontested family law disputes through traditional litigation, however, is not necessary in every case. While there is certainly a time and a place for a litigated uncontested divorce or child custody dispute, mediation can provide for a calmer, more collaborative alternative for many. And notably, mediation can help improve your mental health throughout a stressful period.

What is mediation?

Mediation is an alternative dispute resolution method, in which the disputing parties meet with a neutral third party, a mediator. Both parties can have their attorneys present but the mediator facilitates the discussion. The goal is to assist the parties in coming to an agreed-upon, binding resolution.

The effects on your mental health

One of the more overlooked parts of uncontested divorce and related uncontested family law issues is the toll it can take on mental health. Even a dispute without elevated levels of bitterness and contention can be stressful. Studies have long shown that family legal proceedings can lead to intense psychological effects, including anxiety, depression, loss of sleep and substance abuse.

Mediation is not a foolproof option to prevent the onset of psychological issues. However, playing a more active role in your uncontested divorce or child custody dispute can help ease the strain of an already difficult time. Benefits include potentially:

  • Saving both time and money
  • Allowing for more creativity in the decision-making process
  • Leading to more amicable and collaborative solutions
  • Setting up a positive co-parenting relationship

Taking time to prioritize your mental health, as well as the mental health of your children, is important both throughout the uncontested divorce process and after. Mediation can provide a less stressful environment to work out even the most disputed issues of property division and child custody.

Learn more at a free upcoming seminar

Interested in learning more about this topic or related uncontested family law and mediation topics? Join attorney Yvonne Kafor at an upcoming free educational session. Ms. Kafor is hosting two seminars in March:

  1. “Exploring Curveballs in Separate Vs. Community Property”
    March 11, 2022
    Via Zoom
  2. “Customizing Your Possession Schedule”
    March 25, 2022, 8:15-8:45am
    In person (Richardson, TX) or via Zoom

Register for either session by visiting our Contact page and entering your contact information. Please indicate which session(s) you plan to attend. More details regarding location and Zoom access will be provided following registration.